近年來,私營企業開始留意到ESG在市場中的重要性。 隨著政府和大眾對ESG相關披露的需求日漸增加,法律法規或會因而作出相應修改,從而影響公司對相關披露的準備。 GreenCo勤創永續最近協助一家非上市公司根據港交所主板上市規則的要求編制其首份ESG報告,積極應對ESG的新興趨勢。


我們協助該公司進行重要性評估,以確定其最重要的ESG事宜。 作為初入ESG領域的新人,重要性評估在指導公司資本和資源配置方面發揮著至關重要的作用, 有助公司能優先考慮需要立即關注和投放資源的範疇。

我們認為ESG報告是展示公司對可持續發展和負責任業務實踐承諾的重要工具, 也是公司將可持續發展納入其管理體系和日常營運中的重要一步。

為什麼選擇 GreenCo 勤創永續?

GreenCo has obtained ISO 9001 Certification in ESG Advisory

Our expertise and rich experience in different industries enable us to provide the most professional and best quality support in ESG management and disclosure. Since 2016, we have honorably served a lot of listed companies (including famous names), companies going for an IPO and private companies eager to establish ESG policy driven by their famous global clients. Thanks to our team’s enthusiasm in ESG and pursuit of innovative solutions, we are proud to be able to compete with first tier global consulting firms in the local market.

We help our clients in

  • ESG / sustainability reporting
  • Stakeholder engagement and data handling
  • ESG policy/performance enhancement
  • Materiality analysis
  • Assist the board of directors in climate issues analysis
GreenCo, A Trusted ESG and Sustainability Advisory Firm

GreenCo, A Trusted ESG and Sustainability Advisory Firm