GreenCo最近協助一家上市公司根據創業板(GEM)上市規則的要求準備其ESG報告,作為履行復牌指引的必要步驟之一。 我們相信,ESG報告是傳達公司對可持續性和負責任商業實踐承諾的重要工具。 因此,我們希望通過向該公司的利益相關者提供透明且全面的公司環境和社會表現信息,來保持該公司與其利益相關者之間的信任和長遠關係。
同時,我們亦協助該公司訂立環境目標以便未來作出改進,並進行重要性評估以確定該公司及其附屬公司最新的重要ESG議題。 我們明白該公司正處於一個充滿挑戰的時期,因此我們一直協助該公司保持透明度及可持續性,在其最新的ESG報告中展示其承諾並支持其重新出發。 我們希望該公司能夠展示其業務的可行性和可持續性,持續改善其表現,從而追求卓越。
為什麼選擇 GreenCo 勤創永續?
GreenCo has obtained ISO 9001 Certification in ESG Advisory
Our expertise and rich experience in different industries enable us to provide the most professional and best quality support in ESG management and disclosure. Since 2016, we have honorably served a lot of listed companies (including famous names), companies going for an IPO and private companies eager to establish ESG policy driven by their famous global clients. Thanks to our team’s enthusiasm in ESG and pursuit of innovative solutions, we are proud to be able to compete with first tier global consulting firms in the local market.
We help our clients in
- ESG / sustainability reporting
- Stakeholder engagement and data handling
- ESG policy/performance enhancement
- Materiality analysis
- Assist the board of directors in climate issues analysis