GreenCo勤創永續最近根據《香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則附錄27 —環境、社會和管治報告指南》的要求,協助一家扎根香港60多年的連鎖餐飲公司分析其ESG表現,以編制一份合規格的ESG報告。


由於該公司的餐廳網絡遍佈各地,並考慮到其業務性質所產生的排放類型,該公司認為準確記錄所有餐廳的環境數據相當困難。 因此,GreenCo勤創永續為確保ESG報告數據的完整性,提出了優化的估算方法,以幫助該公司強化環境數據管理並促進有意義的計算。 此外,GreenCo勤創永續還分析了該公司的整體環境表現,識別改進空間,並相應地設定了卓越但可行的目標。 具體而言,GreenCo勤創永續將該公司的溫室氣體排放分為二個範疇(範疇一:直接排放及範疇二:能源間接排放),以便設立目標。


關於 GreenCo 勤創永續

GreenCo is a professional ESG advisory firm accredited with ISO 9001 in ESG Reporting and Climate Policy Advisory Services. Established in 2016, we were born to tackle ESG and climate risk management challenges. GreenCo has a professional team consists of talents with multiple backgrounds with

  • PhD
  • Practitioner Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA)
  • CFA (the CFA Institute) and Certificate in ESG Investing
  • EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA)
  • Completion of Certified GRI Training Programme
  • Certified Public Accountant (for assurance in accordance with ISAE 3000)
  • Member of Global Association of Risk Professionals
  • Master’s degree in envirnomental science

GreenCo has solid track record in ESG advisory for over 60 listed companies in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore and Korea, covering all industries under the Hang Seng Industry Classification System.